The biggest lesson in life.
Is that we have a CHOICE.
Applying CHOICE in life.
Can set us free.
When any situation confronts us.
We have a CHOICE.
How we are going to deal with it.
We can deal with it positively.
Or negatively.
The decision that we take.
Affects how we feel emotionally.
And how we deal with it.
Is paramount in whether we go forward.
Happy or sad.
To place FUN and positivity.
At the heart of everything that you do.
Or experience.
If something is NOT FUN.
Why do it?
You can make anything FUN.
It’s just a state of the mind.
Treat everything.
As if it is a game.
Then it will be.
Do not take life so seriously.
Lighten everything up.
Look for the humour.
In everything.
Especially in the dark places.
There’s always humour.
If it's a choice.
Between laughing and crying.
Always choose laughing.
Even if it’s through tears.
It’s always better to laugh.
Than to cry.
Crying and laughing at the same time.
Is better than just crying.
We need to cry.
To cry positively.
Do not react on impulse.
Can be based in negativity.
Hold back.
Count to ten.
Catch yourself.
Making the right CHOICE.
Can set you free.
And YOU.
Experience a happier outcome.